Impact of the Highly Improbable

Part I ARCHITECTURE 28/4/18 – 3/6/18

from  28 April until  3 June  2018

Saturday and Sunday from 14h till 18h 

Opening in the presence of the artists 

Saturday 28 April from 14h till 19h

‘Liquid City – Vloeibare Stad’, the theme of Triënnale Brugge 2018 provided the inspiration of the exposition concept ‘Impact of the Highly Improbable’ in the Black Swan Gallery. Where an artistic trail with installations of artists and architects lingers through the historical city of Bruges, the Gallery showcases two exhibitions where the cross contamination between art and architecture prevails.

The ‘Impact of the Highest Improbable’ as symbol for accidental events that can determine our lives are visualised in these two exhibitions. The idea of a liquid society there is not only the literal interpretation of water but also the changes, the uncertainty, the movement and the renewal. A coincidental event, like a natural  event or an accidental meeting can have a gigantic impact on our personal existence. Often this seems unpredictable as we focus more on the details and on what we know. These show will be a creative breeding ground to take some time to think about what we do not know, to make some predictions but certainly provide us with some surprises.

Part one focusses on ‘Architecture’, Alexandra Crouwers, Nick Ervinck, Hans Vandekerckhove, Peter Van Driessche and Karen Vermeren are united to seduce the viewer to follow them on their path of discovery  in their visionairy architectural world.

INFINITI 33 The Wall – sculptuur

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Polygons in a glass house – 2017
grisaille and sun burnt on glass
38 x 30 cm (12 x)
A Painters Home – 2015 –
oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm
VIUNAP – 2013 – FDM 3D print
68 x 94 x108 cm ed. 3 + AP